Tweed Valley Weekly, October 3, 2019



  1. This post is in response to the article ‘Community Concerns over Crystal Creek Development’ published on Thursday 3rd of October. I have read comments by few of the residents of Crystal Creek suggesting that the proposed development on 102 Crooks Valley Road, Crystal Creek to have a negative impact on the community. This is false and misleading and needs to be countered by facts. Those who have negatively commented have not seen the humanitarian work done by Heart of Love Foundation (HLF) and how it has tremendously uplifted the lives of the local residents of the community.

    Contrary to the scare tactic that property prices will fall, it will actually increase multi fold due to the development of the project. Apart from people wanting to live closer to a centre where free food, medical, dental and social services are provided, many volunteers from all over Australia are keen to purchase property around Crystal Creek and Murwillumbah area in order to permanently relocate to dedicate their lives to serving the community. These volunteers are Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Social workers, Business owners, retirees to name a few. The community’s demographic profile will increase in value and the good work being done will spread far and wide.

    As a volunteer myself, who travel from Brisbane regularly, I stay at various hotels in Murwillumbah and shops locally during my stay. The business owners have told me directly that their businesses flourish whenever HLF organises conferences where hundreds turn up.

    All HLF events are organised with utmost care to the environment and neighbours concerns. Traffic flows and parking are managed by dedicated volunteers.

    As a business owner, I am keen to setup a business in Murwillumbah and employ local residents. This is thanks to the increased humanitarian activities of HLF that I want to be part of and which I am sure the majority of local residents are in support of.

    Unni Ashok, Chartered Accountant – Brisbane.

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