Men’s Shed ruling final on Black Rocks Sports Field


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TWEED SHIRE Councillors have voted to approve a five year lease to the Pottsville & District Men’s Shed at Black Rocks Sports Field.

Both Mayor Kaite Milne and Deputy Mayor Gary Bagnall proposed an amendment to the motion that the matter be deferred during Council’s Ordinary Meeting on Thursday, September 15.

The mayor and deputy wanted to defer the matter until further advice from the Department of Industry-Lands and advice in regard to the Rural Fire Service and State Emergency Service future requirements.

The amendment was however lost with those for the amendment including Cr Bagnall, Mayor Milne  and those against included Cr Barry Longland, Cr Carolyn Byrne, Cr Warren Polglase. Outgoing councillor Phil Youngblutt was absent for the meeting.

The final vote to allow the Pottsville & District Men’s Shed at Black Rocks Sports Field is below.

“The Motion was Carried (Minute Number 435 refers) FOR VOTE – Cr B Longland, Cr C Byrne, Cr W Polglase AGAINST VOTE – Cr G Bagnall, Cr K Milne ABSENT. DID NOT VOTE – Cr P Youngblutt.”

We will have a full update and report from Cr Barry Longland in next Thursday’s print edition.

Mayor Milne and Deputy Mayor Bagnall proposed a motion that Council brings forward a report to the next Council meeting on the proposed future use of the Crown Land areas located behind the existing Pottsville Rural Fire Service and SES, and the potential of all parties to work together to provide for a site for the Pottsville Men’s Shed in this location, in accordance with Council’s previous resolution of 21 August 2014 “to pursue alternative sites” including future development or appropriately zoned sites that could accommodate the Men’s shed in the longer term on a permanent basis.

The Motion was Lost FOR VOTE – Cr G Bagnall, Cr K Milne AGAINST VOTE – Cr B Longland, Cr C Byrne, Cr W Polglase ABSENT. DID NOT VOTE – Cr P Youngblutt



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