Concerns over job losses as tourism contract changes hands


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THERE ARE concerns for an estimated eight or more positions, including several permanent roles, at Destination Tweed following a motion by Tweed Shire Councillors to award a multi-million-dollar tourism contract to DR Tourism based in Hervey Bay.

It should be noted that the new tourism operator, DR Tourism, could be keeping several jobs in the Tweed Shire, but their specific plans for the shire were unknown at this time.

The decision has come as quite a shock to Tweed Shire residents and local tourism operators, who have expressed concern for both local employment as well as an extensive network of tourism operators under a current subscription model.

Tropical Fruit World General Manager Aymon Gow spoke at community access prior to the Councillors vote at the Tweed Heads Council Chambers on Thursday, July 19.

Mr Gow stressed the important role of Destination Tweed as a local employer and tourism operator as well as expressing concerns for nearly 60 volunteers, who he said were vital to keeping Tweed’s tourism running.

“Destination Tweed is owned by the members through a subscription model and therefore was owned locally,” he said.

“I do have concerns with losing Destination Tweed and I’m eager to see what model will be introduced to the Tweed.

“However, I understand that a different company, DR Tourism, has won the tender and I think it’s important that we give DR Tourism a go.

“They won the tender and I think they deserve every chance to give it a go.”

The Tweed’s tourism contract is valued at a total of $7.6 million and was award to a tourism company based in Hervey Bay, DR Tourism.

It was recommended by Council staff to hand the tender to DR Tourism and not Destination Tweed, who were one of five applicants that vied for the tender.

“Council resolved at this meeting to undertake a two-stage tender process for the provision of tourism services and destination marketing with a view to commence a new contract on October 1, 2018,” Council’s report read.

DR Tourism have worked with Fraser Coast Council as well as Tourism Noosa, Fraser Coast Tourism and Events and Sunshine Coast Queensland.

An independent probity advisor assisted Council staff in their assessment of the tenders with DR Tourism achieving the highest overall assessment score based on criteria including price, strategic management plan, and quality and commitment of key personnel.

“Their Tender Submission demonstrated capacity, capability and presented the best value for money solution,” Council’s report reads.

“Awarding the contract to DR Tourism Pty Ltd is considered the most advantageous option for Council.”

The prospect of losing Destination Tweed as the shire’s lead tourism agency has prompted widespread debate amongst tourism operators, with several voicing their support for Destination Tweed.

Mount Warning Tours operator Michael Simmons, who also spoke at community access, said he would be speaking in support of retaining Destination Tweed.

Mr Simmons spoke with The Weekly prior to the vote and expressed his concerns if the shire were to lose Destination Tweed.

“I have huge concerns about losing the recent momentum created by Destination Tweed if we go outside the region to an outside entity,” Mr Simmons said.

“Destination Tweed have already created some strong relationships within the tourism industry, especially across NSW, at regional level with Destination North Coast and Destination NSW.

“We need to look closely at those relationships as well as considering whether we want the Tweed Shire’s tourism promoted by an organisation from outside the state.

“DR Tourism’s credentials as a Regional Queensland Destination marketer look fantastic, but the Tweed Valley is not in regional Queensland.”

Mr Simmons highlighted many recent successes by Destination Tweed including consistently attracting national and international media organisations and attention to the Tweed Shire.

“I know not everything has been done perfectly by Destination Tweed, however, I think it’s important we give credit where it’s due,” he said.

“The work by Destination Tweed has not only helped promote the Tweed to the world, but it’s also helped forge new relationships through close collaboration with local operators and the Tweed Experiences Network, which would be difficult for a new operator to achieve in the short-term”

Mr Simmons also highlighted his concerns with appointing a tourism operator that’s not in based in NSW or the Northern Rivers.

“Without knowing what DR Tourism’s plan is for the Tweed Shire, I know they’re based in Hervey Bay, and have their key staff currently based in the Fraser Coast.”

“As an operator I would like to know how many of the local Destination Tweed staff they will retain, and how they plan to operate the visitor information centres differently”

“Do we really want a tourism consultant from outside the state and the shire, who will need to start from scratch, re-establishing all the key relationships that are already strong with Destination Tweed.”

“I would also like to ask how closely has Tweed Shire Council’s local procurement policy been followed when endorsing DR Tourism as its preferred option?

“It should also be recognised that Destination Tweed is a not-for-profit, membership-based organisation and DR Tourism is a private, for profit tourism marketing organisation.

“It is concerning that a consulting company with such strong links to a competing nature-based tourism destination, being the Fraser Coast has been endorsed over a local, well-established organisation, that over the last 12 months has really begun to deliver the potential that has always existed, for successfully marketing the Tweed.”


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