Community Diary November 3


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Al-Anon Family Groups Is your life affected by someone elseโ€™s drinking? Banora Point Group meets Monday nights at 7.30pm Cnr Leisure & Woodlands Drives, Salvation Army Hall (external right side door). Enquires & other meeting times 1300 252 666.


The first dance of the Bilambil Summer dance series is to be held on Saturday the 12th November at the Bilambil Hall Dancing to Trilogy band. Dancing begining at 8pm. Supper and door prizes. All welcome for a family night.


Tripaway Cruise & Travel Expo 2016 Sunday 13th November from 9am-1pm at the Cudgen Leagues Club, 3 Wommin Bay Road, Kingscliff.ย  There will be giveaways, presentations, specials and bonus offers on the day so come and book all your travel deals at your local expo.

Tweed Valley Toastmasters offers a supportive and friendly environment in which to develop and enhance public speaking skills and more.ย ย  We meet on the first and thirdย  Wednesday of every month at 9.45 am atย  Cudgen Leagues Club,ย  Wommin Bay Road, Kingscliff and welcome you to join us.ย  Please call Lynda 0434 103 409 for more information.

Kingscliff Mixed Probus Club holds its meeting at the Kingscliff Beach and Bowls Club on the first Wednesday of the month at 10am and outings on the third Wednesday of the month. Visitors are very welcome.ย  Phone Norma on 02 66763360.

Friends of the Library Kingscliff invite you to come to the library in Turnock St, Kingscliiff and snap up some bargains every Saturday Morning between 9:15-11:45am. Books include hardback fiction and large print. Prices range from all now 50c. Donations of clean books in good condition are always welcome. Enquiries to Librarian Larry Price Phone 02 6674 1607.


Murwillumbah Evening VIEW Club next dinner meeting will be on Monday 7 November and the venue will be Tumbulgum Tavern. Please bring items for the Trading Table. If members are unable to attend the meeting or will be bringing a guest, please contact Gloria Martin on 02 66723794 by 10am on the Thursday before the meeting. Our club supports The Smith Familyโ€™s learning and mentoring programs supporting disadvantaged Australian children to achieve their educational goals.

Murwillumbah Toddler Tunes and Stories is an enjoyable, free activity for children and their families. It takes place in Murwillumbah on Thursday mornings from 10am till 11am during school terms at the Martin Watt Centre, Wollumbin St Murwillumbah (access through the Presbyterian Church Office/Office street entry). ย Phone a family support worker on 0455 911715 or 0413 879279 if you need to know moreย or would like to book your spot.

Film Chat 3rd Friday of the month after the 6pm film Regent Cinema.

Caldera Environment Centre AGM November 8 5.30pm at the shop 4 Queen Street Murwillumbah

Car Boot Sale to be held in the Anglican Church grounds Byangum Rd Murwillumbah on Saturday November 26th, from 8.30 until 12pm. Site fee $12.00. Bookings Essential,ย ย  Morning teas a/vย  join the fun and find your Christmas bargains!!. Enquiriesย  Merilyn Gilmore 02 6672 2013.

The Murwillumbah Autumn Club offers activities including Euchre & Craft, Stretch your mind, Country Music Nights, Relaxation & Meditation and gentle yoga. For more informatin contact Noela Gresham 02 6672 2262.

Murwillumbah on the Move walking group for the Heart Foundation meets at Knox Park at 6.55am each Wednesday and Saturday for an hour long walk around the town area.ย  Walk at your own pace with this friendly group while keeping fit. Look for the red hats. Queries Jimย  02 66724313 or Zdenka 02 66727847.

The Murwillumbah Cancer Support Group The Murwillumbah Cancer Support Group meets from 10am to 12 midday on the second Monday of every month at the Community Health Centre on the corner of Nullum and Wollumbin streets. These informal meetings offer mutual, practical and emotional support. For more information, call Cancer Liaison Nurse on 6672252.

Tweed Valley Spanish Language Conversation Group. Hola amigos, we meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 1.30pm and the 4th Thursday of the month at 5pm at the Regent Cinema (in the lobby or out on the balcony) 5 Brisbane Street Murwillumbah. We are a social group only,ย  there are no fees and all levels are welcome. For more information contact John (02) 6672 3471 or

The Murwillumbah Lions Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at the Murwillumbah Services Club 6.30 for 7.00pm. Contact Peter 66721471 or Bob 66722258.

Al Anon meetings Monday 10am ConXions Church, 19 Prince St Murwillumbah. If someone in your family has a drinking problem, you can see what itโ€™s doing to them. But can you see what itโ€™s doing to you? Call 0437955868.


Business Networking Group second Thursday of the month. Open to all businesses and creatives looking to connect. $30 includes breakfast. All proceeds go to Movember.ย  All welcome. Corner Stop Espresso Bar, Coronation Ave Pottsville. For enquires Phone 0418723908.

Pottsville Diabetes Support Group meets on the first Wednesday of the month at Pottsville Neighbourhood Centre, 12 Elizabeth Street from 2pm until 4pm. All are welcome. Any queries call 02 6676 4555.


Full Moon Walk. Monday 14 November view the full moon on the Tweed River at Tumbulgum. Meet at 7.30pm at Tumbulgum boat ramp for a flat walk taking approx 60 minutes following the Tumbulgum Heritage Trail.This event is part of the Heart Foundation Walking Program and everyone is welcome to attend. No cost. Bring your torch. No bookings required.

Tumbulgum Public School and Catholic School former students and staff, together with past and present Tumbulgum residents, are invited to the Informal get together on Saturday 26 November, 2016 from 11am (DST)ย  at Tumbulgum Tavern. Please RSVP by 22 Nov, email Brian


Twin Towns Evening View Clubโ€™s next meeting will be in the Blue Room of Tweed Heads Bowls Club on November 9th. 6.30 pm for 7pm. Visitors are always welcome. There will be a Trading Table for Make Bake or Grow (no books please). For guests and apologies ring Jenny on 55362653 by 1 pm on the Monday prior.

The Gold Coast South โ€“ Twin Towns Branch of the National Servicemenโ€™s Association of Australia Serving from Tallebudgera to the Tweed will hold its next General Meeting on Sunday the 20th November 2016.ย  At 10am QLD Time & 11am NSW Time in the โ€œRSL Sub Branch Anzac Roomโ€ of the Twin Towns Services Club. If you served in any Forces of the Commonwealth โ€œbetweenโ€ 1951 -1972 then why not join us and re kindle the camaraderie you experienced during your Service. For further information contact: Tom Hughes Public officer on 07 5513 0665.

Tweed Gold Coast Family History & Heritage Association invite members to attend their monthly meeting at South Tweed Sports Club, Minjungbal Drive, Sth Tweed Heads on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 commencing at 1.30. Visitors are always welcome.ย  The subject for the next meeting on Tuesday, 8 November will be a computer demonstration and discussion on โ€œPhotobook Compilationโ€. Research Room is open between 10am – 7pm Tuesday, 10am – 4pm Wednesday to Friday and on Saturday 9.30am – 3pm. Enquiries – Noelene – 55998939.

Tickets for the Tweed Hospital Auxiliaryโ€™s Christmas Raffle will be on sale from Monday 7 November.ย  The tickets are $2 each and can be purchased at various venues around the Tweed until Friday 16 December when the raffle will be drawn.ย  The 1st prize is a giant Christmas Stocking valued at around $500 and there will be other prizes.ย  All proceeds from the raffle will go to purchasing necessary equipment for the Tweed Hospital.

A.O.O.Bโ€™s Twin Towns Branch. The next monthly meeting will be held on Friday 4th November, 2016 at South Tweed Sports Club, Tweed Heads South at 2-00pm (NSW time) in the Secret Garden Room. All members and intending members are invited to attend.ย  We are accepting donations for our Christmas Hamper at this meeting. For further information phone Twenette 0755232939.ย  The next bus trip is to the Redcliffe Markets Sunday 13th November. Anyone wishing to go phone Evelyn 0755998283.

South Tweed Social Euchre Club will be hosting a euchre tournament on Sunday the 6th of November 2016. Everyone is invited to attend and entry fee is $20.00 which includes a hot lunch, there will be cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd for more information call Brian 0410810750 or

Alateen Meeting starting at 5.00-6.00pm every Thursday. Do you have a parent, close friend or relative with a drinking problem? Alateen can help. 8 -16 year olds.ย  St Cuthbertโ€™s Anglican Church Hall 13 Powell St (corner Florence St) Tweed Heads 1300 252 666

Exercise for over 50s, Tuesdays. 1pm Senior Citizens Centre, 2 Gerrard St. Ph 55364050

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME Support Group meets on the first Friday of every month at 10:30 am at the HACC Community Centre, Cnr. Heffron Street and Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South. All welcome. For further information call Bronwyn on 5593 9319.

The Blind & Vision Impaired Support Group is a dynamic group which meets regularly for enjoyable social and support functions. We welcome new members. Some transport is available. Call Chris on ~ 07 5523 0306 or Jenny on ~ 02 6679 3490.


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