Community Diary July 20


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Al-Anon Family Groups Is your life affected by someone elseโ€™s drinking? Al-Anon can help. Banora Point Group meets Monday nights at 7.30pm Cnr Leisure & Woodlands Drives, Salvation Army Hall (external right side door). Enquires and other meeting times 1300 252 666 or go to

Banora Point Probus Club meets on the fourth Monday of each month at South Tweed Sports Club at 10am. We are a mixed club. We have interesting speakers and an outing each month. The speaker for July is Jo Cooke, subject homecare. Contact Colin on 5590 7454 or Norma on 07 5590 5919.

Wrap with Love knitters wanted to make rugs for needy people worldwide. Meetings: Banora Point Community Centre on 1st , 3rd & 5th Fridays 2pm-4 pm. Phone Barbara 6672 1660, or 0414 272 898.


Free Horse Health Seminar: You are invited to an informative evening to learn more about horse health, injury treatment, paddock management, movement records and your responsibilities as a horse owner and rider at the Burringbar Sports Club on Wednesday, Ausust 2 at 6pm. Guest speakers Greg Baldwin, Baldwin Equine Veterinary Services and Phil Kemsley, NSW Local Land Services Head Vet.


We are looking for more singers to join our new mixed choir. We are called โ€˜clef hangersโ€™ and welcome all ages and gender. Do you like to sing hits from the 50/60/70/80/90/2000 eras. Please call Jackie on 0414 357 579. We rehearse every Thursday from 7pm-9pm at Tweed Coast Community Church Hall โ€“ 101 Cabarita Road, Cabarita. Cost $5 per week.


The Miss Tweed Ball 2017. There is a break until the next Ball at Chillingham on July 29 before the final of the season on August 5 at the Catholic Hall Murwillumbah. All welcome, tickets at the door, supper provided, raffles and lucky spot prizes.


Dutch Australian coffee morning every third Thursday of the month from 9am to 11am at the Coolangatta Seniors Centre, 2 Gerrard Street Coolangatta. $4 for members, $6 for non-members. Contact: Maria 0414 978 399.


Kingscliff Mixed Probus Club next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 3 at 10.30 am. Visitors are very welcome.

Tweed Coast U3A new term started on July 17. If you are not already a U3Aโ€™er join now for only $25 to attend classes up to the end of December. We have 46 to choose from and you can attend as many as you like for the one joining fee. We now have Mahjong at Murwillumbah on Tuesday 10am. Contact Janice on 0488 570 350 for details. Visit the stall at Tweed City (outside Woolworths) on Thursday July 20 and Friday July 21 for information about all activities or you can phone Val 0421 686 310.

Tweed Valley Toastmasters offers a supportive and friendly environment in which to develop and enhance public speaking skills and more. We meet on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 9.45am and welcome you to join us. Please call Lynda on 0434 103 409 for more information.

The Tweed Valley – Murwillumbah Sub Branch of the National Servicemenโ€™s Assoc meet the third Tuesday of the month at Cudgen Leagues Club, at 10am. Any Ex-service personnel (not necessarily a Nasho) are welcome to attend. Interesting guest speakers and organised day coach tours. Enquiries Kevin 02 6672 8786.

Friends of the Library Kingscliff invite you to come to the library in Turnock St, Kingscliiff and snap up some bargains every Saturday morning. Books include hardback fiction and large print. Prices are $1 or less. Donations of clean books in good condition are always welcome. Enquiries to Librarian Larry Price Phone 02 6674 1607.


The Northern Rivers Collectors Club Inc in conjunction with the Rotary Club Of Mt Warning AM (Murwillumbah) are holding their 27th Antiques & Collectables Exhibition & Trading Fair at the Murwillumbah Civic Centre on Saturday, August 5 from 8.30am to 3pm. Admission is Adults $6 and School Children $1. Proceeds from this event are being donated to Tweed Palliative Support Inc.There will be many items on display and over 400 feet of items for sale such as china & glassware, tools & old bottles, eggcups & salt & pepper shakers, fishing items and garage collectables and also modern collectables such as Coke items. A valuer from Brisbane will be in attendance. A BBQ and canteen will be run by the Rotary Club. Details by phoning Trevor on 02 66779577 or 0437 779577.

Caldera Farmers Market AGM 11.30am August 2 at the Murwillumbah Showgrounds. For more information call 0438 804 050.

Murwillumbah and District Garden Club annual garden competition entry forms are available from local nurseries. Entries are free to residents and close on August 23 with judging on August 29 and 30. Presentations will be held on September 4. The schedule includes home gardens, seniors garden, contemporary or minimal care with sections for residential villa or retirement units as well as front, back, bed of annuals, vegetables and much more. There are also classes for commercial and public gardens and school gardens. Queries to chief steward Linda Hill 02 6677 9149 or email The clubs next meeting will be held on July 24 at Jessie McMillan Hall, Wollumbin Street Murwillumbah from 7pm. New members always welcome.

Murwillumbah Evening VIEW Club next dinner meeting will be on Monday, August 7 at Murwillumbah Services Club. The meeting starts at 6.30pm for dinner at 7pm. Cost $25. Members please remember, if you are unable to attend the meeting or will be bringing a guest, please contact Gloria Martin on 02 66723794 by 10am on Thursday before the meeting. Our club supports the Smith Familyโ€™s learning and mentoring programs supporting disadvantaged Australian children to achieve their educational goals.

Murwillumbah Day View Club next meeting is on Monday, July 24 at the Murwillumbah Services Club commencing with morning tea at 9.30am followed by the meeting at 10.15am. All welcome. There will be a cent auction so please bring an unwrapped item for sale and then enjoy ourChristmas In July lunch. For apologies or enquiries phone 02 6679 1324 or 02 6672 1107.

All Saints Anglican Church Book Sale and Craft morning 9.30amโ€“11.30am every second Friday. Craft morning open to everyone, come and enjoy some fellowship and a cuppa. We have yarn and patterns for anyone who wants to learn to knit or crochet. All welcome. Enquiries 0423 905 169.

Wrap with Love knitters wanted to make rugs for needy people worldwide. Meetings: Mountain View Retirement Village, Murwillumbah on lst, 3rd & 5th Tuesdays 1.30pm-3.30pm. Phone Barbara 6672 1660, or 0414 272 898.

U3A Tweed Coast offers Murwillumbah Mahjong Group, 10am-12pm Tuesdays. For details, contact Janice 0488 570 350.

Murwillumbah Toastmasters Club meets every second and fourth Thursday at 6.45pm at the Courthouse Hotel (upstairs), Main Street, Murwillumbah and we invite you to join us. Please call Elle on 0488 488 385 for more information.

Film Chat 3rd Friday of the month after the 6pm film Regent Cinema.

Murwillumbah Autumn Club weekly activities include Stretch your Mind with Louise Wednesday 12.30pm-2pm, Dance for Every Body Tuesday 9.30am, Country Music Nights fortnightly Fridays 7.30pm, Euchre and Craft Wednesday 9am, Line Dancing Wednesday 5.30pm. Contact Noela 02 6672 2262.

Murwillumbah on the Move walking group for the Heart Foundation meets at Knox Park at 6.55am each Wednesday and Saturday for an hour long walk around the town area. Walk at your own pace with this friendly group while keeping fit. Look for the red hats. Queries Jim 02 66724313 or Zdenka 02 66727847.

The Murwillumbah Cancer Support Group meets from 10am to12 midday on the second Monday of every month at the Community Health Centre on the corner of Nullum and Wollumbin streets. These informal meetings offer mutual, practical and emotional support. For more information call group facilitator & Cancer Liaison Nurse on 66720252.

Tweed Valley Spanish Language Conversation Group. Hola amigos, we meet on the second Saturday of the month at 1.30pm and the 4th Thursday of the month at 5pm at the Regent Cinema 5 Brisbane Street Murwillumbah. We are a social group only, there are no fees and all levels are welcome. For more information contact John (02) 6672 3471 or

The Murwillumbah Lions Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at the Murwillumbah Services Club 6.30pm for 7.00pm. Contact Peter 6672 1471 or Bob 07 5524 8860.

Al Anon meetings Monday 10am ConXions Church, 19 Prince St Murwillumbah. If someone in your family has a drinking problem, you can see what itโ€™s doing to them. But can you see what itโ€™s doing to you? Call 0437955868.


Tweed Gold Coast Family History Association invites members and visitors to attend their monthly get together at South Tweed Sports Club, Minjungbal Drive, South Tweed Heads on Tuesday, August 1 commencing at 1.30pm. Our Research Room is open between 10am-7pm Tuesday, 10am-4pm Wednesday to Friday and on Saturday 9.30amโ€“3pm. This month is our AGM followed by a show and tell, so bring along an item of interest and tell itโ€™s story. Enquiries: Trish 07 5524 2156.

Quota International of Tweed Heads/Coolangatta meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at South Tweed Sports Club โ€“ Fellowship 6pm, meeting 6.15pm. Contact: President: Judith 0410 639 439, Vice President: Janet 0419 921 012.

Tweed Parkinsonโ€™s Support Group meets on the second Monday of each month at the Community Room, Tweed City Shopping Centre at 10am. Our aim is to provide friendship, understanding and information to anyone affected by Parkinsonโ€™s, their carers and families. Please contact Helen on 02 6676 2549 for more details.

Alateen Meeting starting at 5-6pm every Thursday. Do you have a parent, close friend or relative with a drinking problem? Alateen can help 8 -16 year olds. St Cuthbertโ€™s Anglican Church Hall 13 Powell St (corner Florence St) Tweed Heads 1300 252 666

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME Support Group meets on the first Friday of every month at 10330am (NSW time) at the HACC Community Centre, Cnr. Heffron Street and Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South. All welcome. For further information call Bronwyn on 5593 9319.

The Blind & Vision Impaired Support Group are seeking a female carer, who would be working in conjunction with a volunteer driver, to accompany members on outings. Times flexible, short training provided. Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads areas. If interested please contact Chris Johnstone on (07) 5633 3700. The group meets regularly for enjoyable social and support functions. We welcome new members. Some transport is available. Call Chris or Jenny on 02 6679 3490.


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