Visit one of Tweed’s most unique Christmas Art Fairs


THE TWEED Unlimited Arts Christmas Fair is ready to burst into action this weekend with art pieces galore, raffles, free demonstrations and of course plenty of Christmas spirit.

Members of Unlimited Arts have been busy with preparations for the Fair which is from 9am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday, November 26-27.

Visitors can shop across a range of unique Christmas ideas or find a new decorative item for the Christmas tree.

Art lover Shirley Foster said the Fair would include free demonstration on potting, spinning and weaving as well as much more.

“There’s really something for everyone to enjoy or browse or get involved,” she said.

Tweed Unlimited is in an amazing and scenic location at the end of Pioneer Parade, Banora Point.

For more information or to join up and start your next creative pursuit phone (07) 5524 6223.